Friday, July 25, 2014

Illegal immigration: fiscal issue

The issue of illegal immigration into Texas is a fiscal burden that effects Texan tax payers each year. As more illegal immigrants enter the state, less money is being generated by these immigrants then spent in tax money. An executive summary on the Texas illegal immigration burden by Jack Martin revealed that in 2013 Texas tax payed payed about 12.1 billion dollars and only received 1.27 billion in tax money back. On top of these costs are the cost of damages and crime that rises from illegal immigrant entering the state. Texas should definitely focus more on decreasing the number of immigrants entering the state since it effects every Texan in the form of taxes and would save a substantial amount of money.

In order to prevent these deficits in tax revenue and remedy the crime increase that comes from illegal immigration a decrease in immigrants coming into the state would be the best way to go. Unfortunately it seems that political solutions to this problem has been nothing but temporary. Gov Rick Perry stated that he would send 1,000 national guard troops over the next month to the border to combat illegal immigrants entering the state. This solution will only last so long and will cause a slight decrease of immigrants for a short time if anything. Perry also tried requesting federal aid through Obama's power to send troops as commander-in-chief of the army. This is just as bad as the first approach at fixing the problem and even Obama stated in the meeting that it would only be a temporary solution.

Although I agree with Rick Perry's concern for immediate relief from this wave of illegal immigrants entering the state I feel that its just as important to think of a future solution like increasing border security in the form of a wall or permanent structure. This might impose a lot of money at first but it will pay off over time as it saves money by preventing immigration.

1 comment:

  1. The massive amount of money that is being spent to oversee the Texas Border crisis is drastically draining our government funding. I completely agree with author Nick Eckert’s Texas Glimpse blog about Illegal immigration: fiscal issue, and how the issues occurring at our border are costing Texas taxpayers unnecessary expenditures.

    He points out the fact that Texas tax payers have already been “fiscally burdened” by illegal immigrants each year, and the recent border catastrophe is only adding to our past existing fees. Texas could save an enormous amount of money if we focused more on protecting the border with a long term solution. I agree too that we should build a wall or permanent structure in order to safeguard our border. Our governor sending National Guard troops is only a short term fix, and Texas officials need to absolutely look at the future of where our weak border is beginning to drain and diminish our state. I would support paying higher taxes if our state would look at building such a structure. It would not only be a deterrent to the immigrants trying to cross, but it would also free up our Border Patrol allowing for them to effectively protect the border.

    Our Texas border crisis has become a political platform for all political parties. Our local and national government officials need to work together on this controversy. We should not just be looking at it as a crisis occurring in our state, but a crisis that’s detrimental to our entire nation.
